
Thursday, November 19, 2015

City of Cannon Beach, Oregon Tsunami Evacuation: Pedestrian Route Maps

The City of Cannon Beach has prepared pedestrian evacuation route maps that can be utilized in case of a tsunami generated by a local Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake, or a tsunami generated by an earthquake far from the Oregon Coast.

The purpose of the maps is to complement the Tsunami Evacuation Map that has been prepared by the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) for Cannon Beach by providing more specific information to City residents and visitors on evacuation routes.

The City has been divided into ten areas. To find the evacuation route map for your area of interest, select the Evacuation Route (ER) from the key on the Index Map.

For each route map, there is a designated assembly area where evacuees can safely wait for the all clear signal. The City is working to establish supply caches in conjunction with the designated assembly areas.

Use the maps to help plan your evacuation route from your home or business. Your goal should be to reach the designated assembly area, or a location that is landward of the yellow line on the map, within 15 to 20 minutes of an earthquake.

If you have suggestions for changes or improvements, please contact Mark Barnes, City Planner from the Planning Department at, or (503) 436-8040.

How to Survive a Tsunami Handout [.pdf]

Cannon Beach Evacuation Route Map Presentation [.pdf]

August-December 2014 "Walk the Evacuation Routes" Schedule [.pdf]

Link to the City of Cannon Beach webpage

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